BRAZEN: “A woman standing in her power, asking for what she needs and wants, not accepting less, showing up with her whole self, knowing she is worthy of extraordinary.”
The design brief was for a classy, sophisticated and saucy brand, which we feel reflects both our clients, two well known New Zealand female DJs, Amanda Wright (Amandamania) and Sarah Crowther (Mamadafunk).
A series of original artworks by Melissa Sharplin ART set the tone, sitting on a bright lime green background which complements each of the three different colours of each image.
As a nod to the cheeky style of the images, the typeface is a modern, wide, blocky kind of japanese manga style with retro pop thrown in.
The images are each surrounded by two circles of graduated colour to match the artwork, creating a dynamic by adding movement, as well as being a visual reference to records (music).
And fine white spirographic lines swirl around over the lime, adding movement and representing soundwaves.
Events by women, for everyone.